Journal articles

Conference and workshop proceedings

Other articles

PhD dissertation


  • Source code—Task models [github]

    Task models representations and algorithms for human robot collaboration.

  • Source code—Emergence of multimodal concept [github]

    A set of tools and experimental scripts used to achieve multimodal learning with nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF).

  • Human–robot collaboration (HRC) model set [homepage] [github]

    Intended to ease the design of human-robot collaboration experiments, it focuses on scenarios like the collaborative assembly of furniture and consists of miniature pieces of furniture composed of a combination of standard hardware components and 3D printed custom designs. The parts have been chosen and designed for the purpose of robotics experiments with an additional care on modularity. The model has been thought to be easy to extend and distribute.

  • Choreography dataset [doc] [download] [see examples]

    This dataset is made of choreography motions captured through a kinect device. The choreography motions have a particular combinatorial structure: choreographies are designed as simultaneous execution of some primitive motions from a given set of primitive dance motions.

  • Choreography dataset 2 [doc] [download] [DOI]

    This dataset is made of single gestures captured through a kinect device.

  • The Acorns Caregiver dataset [full corpus] [features]

    The Caregiver dataset was recorder by the Acorns project. It is available online thanks to Christina Bergman's work. See also Modelling the Noise-Robustness of Infants’ Word Representations: The Impact of Previous Experience for details on permissions to use the dataset. I also provide features to use directly in the multimodal experiments (see the code for more details).